Overall, my visit to China was extremely hot – but otherwise fantastic. The people seemed very friendly and accommodating. Most didn’t know English but were eager and happy to communicate through translation apps. The Chinese people we dealt with seemed very honest and trustworthy. The environment seemed very safe and family oriented – with children playing freely and being looked after by all. We never felt unwelcome anywhere we went.
Some things seemed a bit different. There were constant surveillance cameras everywhere up on posts overlooking intersections and public areas. So, on the one hand, you would think people were terrified of the police, but we found the police relaxed and the local Chinese people joking around with them at intersections in Shanghai.
I never had any stomach problems from any of the food that I ate, but I couldn’t always identify what I was eating. A lot of things tasted like chicken, but I was pretty sure what I was eating was not chicken. Interestingly, restaurants outsourced their dishes cleaning to external services that washed and returned the dishes wrapped in plastic for next use. You would often be handed shrink-wrapped dished and cutlery when sitting down in a restaurant.
Finally, the WeChat app was used for EVERYTHING: Texting, Sharing Pictures & Videos, Talking, Advertising, and purchasing everything imaginable. It seemed to be central to everyone’s existence in China.