Arrive in Lisbon after flying 20 hours on an interesting flightpath that took us over parts of Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Cairo, Tunisia, the Mediterranean, and Spain. I meet up with my travelling companions at the airport exhausted, of course. We were to meet up with our campervan supplier at the airport, but there was confusion about where and when we were to meet. Eventually, they picked us up in a tiny car we couldn’t all fit it (some caught the subway). We drove about 1/2 hour south of Lisbon over a golden gate looking bridge and past a giant Jesus to a small country town for briefing and van pickup.
Headed into our Lisbon hostel on the outskirts of downtown. Found a great view of the town up on the roof. The six of us took over a dorm room and claimed bunks for the night.
After a bit of recuperation, we embarked on a hike down the beautiful leafy and cobblestones Avenue da Liverdade to explore the streets, admire the old architecture, and find some dinner. Along the way we snack on roasted chestnuts, got out shoes polished where applicable, and ate some custard pastry. We eventually found a fine fish restaurant on a steep side street and have nice codfish dinner.
About as much as I could handle on 48 hours without sleep, I separated from the group and headed back to the hostel to crash for the night.