The camp I stayed in was quite interesting, because it was genuinely in the middle of a completely wild area – full of predators. We were allowed to walk around the immediate camp during the day, but as soon as twilight and nightfall came, we were strictly forbidden from leaving our tents or the main building without a Maasai Warrior escort. If we did need to leave our tents for whatever reason after dark, we were to call the front desk for an escort. Fortunately, our tents included flushing toilets and showers – one indoor and one outdoor. We were not permitted to use the outdoor showers at night.
The Naboisho Conservancy was gorgeous. I went on game drives every chance I could, and even through in another morning walk with some other guests. We saw several jackals and hyenas and a lion on the drive out to our walking spot, but fewer animals once we were out there.
On the evening drive we found another cheetah, this time male with no collar – but he wasn’t nearly as active as the female we saw earlier – just laying around. Also saw evidence of a fresh kill by our local lioness, and suspected she was tucked away feeding her young in some bushes. There were a number of jackals nearby waiting for their chance to grab their share (which tipped off our guides that something was up). We saw lots of giraffes, ostriches (including females running), and came across a pride of lions on our way home. They were initially relaxing on the sole road back to our camp, blocking our way about 1km away, but then one of them started digging out a warthog hole under a big bush. Eventually the lion gave up when it encountered what appeared to be too many roots interfering with its quest to widen the hole.
The next morning we went out on a great morning game drive in the hopes of finding some leopards. We followed a new track along a stream that was full of hippopotamuses swimming and running around feeding on nearby grasses. Also saw lots of elephants and some giraffes. Excitingly, we got the land cruiser bogged in a creek and our driver and his assistant took about 1/2 hour of fiddling around with the jack, branches, and rocks to finally get us out. We also saw lots and lots of baboons.
The evening safari found us plenty of lions, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, zebras, etc…