Australia, South Australia, Victoria

Most embarrassing moments (so far)

1) Towards the very end of the Perth to Adelaide Indian Pacific trip, at 4am, I was sitting in my seat awake and wondering where we were. I decided to pull up a GPS app on my iPhone that I hadn’t used for a while. Unfortunately, the last time I had used it to guide me out of a confusing neighborhood in Perth I switched it off instead of actually canceling the navigation – so when it started up and found my location, it immediately started blurting out turn-by-turn directions to everyone in my train car still trying to sleep. Fortunately, many people laughed, but it still took me a while to finally shut it off.

2) When I was forced to sleep at the roadside rest stop in Victoria on my way to Wilsons Promontory there were already about a dozen camper-vans and caravans settling in for the night. I had to get the stuff in my car reorganized to make room for myself to lie down. In order to make room, I had to stuff a bunch of things on the drivers seat of my car. As soon as I shut the door some things fell over and pressed against my car horn which blared until I could remove them – waking anyone up who had fallen asleep.

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