Headed northward a few hours to hit my next planned campsite. Only problem was that i had a hard time finding where it was! Most national parks have signs along the highway telling you where they are, but Russell River National Park did not and was also split up in different sections. Fortunately i was too far south of Cairns and found excellent phone coverage so i was able to look up specific instructions on how to get to the campsite on my iPad. The campsites looked very cool and were well secluded from each other, but I was a bit put off by the crocodile warnings they had up. No one else seemed to be camping there so I headed back into the local town of Bramston Beach, QLD and checked into their little caravan park on the beach. It included hot showers, minimal people and mosquitoes, and a place to swim that was protected by a net to keep box jellyfish and crocs out. Sounded good to me. The lifeguard said i would have been fine in the national park as long as i didn’t try sleeping on the actual beach. Oh well! I hope to mountain bike through the national park and all the camps tomorrow morning.