My 18 hour air odyssey has come to a close. The longest flight of my life! We flew non-stop north from L.A. passing just west of Gilroy (a little more east of Watsonville), up over Anchorage Alaska, in deep over Russia, down diagonally across China (which is one big country), and finally in over Vietnam and into Bangkok at sunrise. It was night time outside the whole way as we followed the dark side of the earth. It was the longest night of my life, I think.
Thai Airways wasn’t a bad way to go… They stuffed us full with three meals that seemed too big to fit on our trays. We had the usual personal movies and TV on demand, and they gave us comfortable seats with lots of leg room (for economy, anyway). I managed to get about five hours of sleep and took another nap on arrival at my guesthouse.
I’m now scrambling to come up with local travel plans for my next few weeks here in Thailand. While getting a cheap haircut, I just bumped into a guy who serves lunches over the counter at a shop I visit 3000+ miles away in Perth. Small world…