Bangkok, Krabi Province, Thailand

Learned a great recipe for jello…

Ah yes, the cooking class was great. I now have the secret recipes for creating my favorite Thai dishes. A group of five of us managed to cook up some of the best Thai food I’ve had since coming to Thailand — all from scratch using fresh herbs from a nearby garden. Of course, we were under guided instruction the whole time, so it’s only a matter of time before I attempt to recreate the dishes on my own and find out that I must have missed a few crucial instructions…

I’m now back in Bangkok for my last few days of snooping around before heading back to Singapore and Perth on Wednesday. I spent most of my morning snooping around Chinatown’s extensive markets. They had market stalls that seemed to run for miles up and down little alleyways with everything imaginable for sale. Lots of fun to photograph.

I spent a few hours this afternoon enjoying my final Thai massage. Actually, I don’t know if “enjoy” is the word for them since they can actually be quite brutal. I’ve learned that the best ones are the brutal ones because they really work your muscles and make you feel as rubbery and relaxed as jello afterwards. I enjoy the feeling of having had a massage, but I’m not sure how much I actually enjoy them while I’m having them.

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